Hip and Knee arthroplasty remains the gold standard
of treatment for advanced arthritis with excellent
outcomes in terms of pain relief, functional
improvement and patient satisfaction.
Achieving successful outcomes require thoughtful
patient selection, purposeful and meticulous surgical
technique and appropriate perioperative care.
Alongside lectures and interactive case discussions,
the focus of the 2-day course will be to provide
participants the opportunity to perform cadaveric
knee and hip replacements under the supervision and
guidance of experienced arthroplasty surgeons.
This course is targeted for current
orthopaedic residents. Upon completing the course, participants will have a
better understanding of the following:
• Surgical principles of joint replacement
• Techniques for deformity correction
• Avoiding and dealing with complications
Ample opportunity will be provided to perform the
arthroplasty procedure including exposure, soft
tissue releases and bony preparation to achieve
optimal component position and lower limb