2 Mar 2017

The College of Ophthalmologists has been conducting its annual lectureship since 2009 and this year, we are honoured to have Prof Robert Ritch from New York Eye & Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai to deliver his lecture on : THE COMING OF AGE OF EXFOLIATION SYNDROME.


The talk was delievered on 2 March at Suntec City Convention Centre in conjunction with the 32nd Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress (APAO).




Prof Robert Ritch devoted his career to broadening our understanding of the underlying etiologies and mechanisms of glaucoma and innovation in its medical, laser, and surgical treatment. In 1978, he performed the first laser iridotomy in New York and initiated the first course on laser treatment of glaucoma at the American Academy of Ophthalmology.


He developed argon laser peripheral iridoplasty for the treatment of angle closure more complicated than pupillary block, which was instrumental in dealing with angle closure in East Asia, and taught on the diagnosis and treatment of angle closure around the world.


Prof Ritch has co-authored or edited nine textbooks and over 1700 medical and scientific papers, book chapters, articles and abstracts. He has presented nearly 700 lectures worldwide, including 50 named lectures and has received over 50 awards and medals.


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