16 Jun 2023

Dear Fellow Academicians




The Academy of Medicine, Singapore is now inviting nominations by voting Fellows for the post of Master-Elect. Only Elected Council members shall be eligible for the post.


If more than one nomination is received, a ballot will be conducted for the election. If only one nomination is received, the candidate will be declared the Master-Elect who will serve as the Master for the Council term 2024-2026.


The list of eligible Elected Council Members of the Council Year 2023-2024 is as follows: -
1. Dr Ang Tiing Leong
2. Dr Asok Kurup
3. Dr Chew Tsong Huey, Sophia
4. Dr Choo Su Pin
5. Dr Ho Kok Sun
6. Dr Lee Jian Ming, Vernon
7. Dr Lee Kheng Hock
8. Dr Leo Yee Sin
9. Dr Ng Chin Yuen, Steven
10. Dr Sim Hong Gee
11. Dr Tan Boon Yeow
12. Dr Wong Chiang Yin


The incumbent Master, Dr Alan Ng, is not eligible for re-nomination as he has reached his maximum term in the Council.


Kindly submit your nomination using the enclosed Nomination Form. The completed form should reach the Academy at 81 Kim Keat Road, NKF Centre, #11-00, Singapore 328836 by 6 July 2023 (Thursday), 5pm sharp, either via post, email: main@ams.edu.sg or fax: 65937880.


Thank you.


Yours faithfully
Dr Ang Tiing Leong