7 Feb 2024

Date: 7 February 2024 (Wednesday)


Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm


Presented by Dr Tony Tan, Chairman Maternal Fetal Medicine Section, College of O&G Singapore and Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Mount Alvernia Hospital



Prof Zhang Jun
Chair, Dept. of Maternal and Child Health, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Public Health, Shanghai, China; and first author of the 2010 landmark paper on “Contemporary Patterns of Spontaneous Labor with Normal Neonatal Outcomes” published in The Green Journal


A/Prof Tan Lay Kok
President College of O&G Singapore, and Head and Senior Consultant of Maternal Fetal Medicine Department, KK hospital


Dr Devendra Kanagalingam
Lead Labourist and Senior Consultant, Dept of O&G, SGH


Dr Sarah Li
Lead Labourist and Consultant, Dept of O&G, NUH


For this Journal review, we will address the following issues:

1. What partograms should we use? Friedman’s or Zhang’s?
2. Which partogram do the international societies recommend?
3. Any evidence that one partogram is superior to the other?
4. If using Zhang’s partogram, what are the rules to follow?


Registration is free! Please register here by 5 February 2024.


*CME points accreditated