Calendar of CME Events 2022


South Central Association for Clinical Microbiology Advancing Expertise in Microbiology (previously Audioconference)

Date Topic Speaker(s)


MicrobeNet: Enhancing the Public Health and Clinical Laboratory John R. McQuiston PhD
Special Bacteriology Reference Laboratory Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Atlanta, GA
28-Feb Analytical Performance of a Multiplex Molecular Platform for testing BAL in Patients with Pneumonia James W. Snyder, Ph.D., DABMM, FAAM Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine University of Louisville, Kentucky
18-Apr DIY: The Making of a Self-Collected Specimen Process Susan Harrington, Ph.D., D(ABMM) Medical Director, Mycobacteriology and Microbiology Processing Robert J. Tomsich Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Institute Cleveland Clinic
18-Jul Changes to the CAP Checklist that You Don’t Want to Miss Christina M. Wojewoda, MD, FCAP Clinical Microbiology Lab Director Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Larner College of Medicine, University of Vermont
15-Aug Cases: Focus on Fungal and AFB Infections Gregory Berry, PhD, D(ABMM) Associate Professor of Pathology & Cell Biology Co-Director, Clinical Microbiology Service Columbia University Irving Medical Center
3-Oct Case: Urine Trouble! Considerations for implementation of reflex algorithms to guide culture utilization Melanie Yarbrough, PhD, D(ABCC), D(ABMM) Associate Professor Division of Laboratory and Genomic Medicine Department of Pathology and Immunology Washington University, School of Medicine
28-Nov Updates and Strategies for Managing Changes in Taxonomy Susan Butler-Wu. PhD. D(ABMM), SM(ASCP) Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California


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