The INEX-OSCAR (OutStanding CS-in-TrAining Research) Awards, presented annually by the College of Clinician-Scientists, recognise, and celebrate outstanding individuals who have demonstrated remarkable progress in their research while still in training. These awards highlight the dedication, innovation, and hard work of budding clinician-scientists, serving as a source of encouragement and motivation. By acknowledging their achievements, the INEX-OSCAR Awards aim to inspire these individuals to reach for greater heights in their research endeavours, contributing significantly to advancements in clinical science and improving patient care.
A. Award Details
Top awards to individual winners are valued up to S$1,000.
B. Eligibility Criteria
The INEX-OSCAR Award is open to emerging clinician-scientists who meet the following criteria:
Current students enrolled in a research training program at a local or overseas university at the time of submission, including those who have graduated or are graduating in the year 2024.
Registered as practicing clinicians with the Singapore Medical Council (SMC).
C. Application
• Submissions must be unpublished, and part of the research conducted for the training program.
• Each applicant is allowed only one submission.
D. Competition Stages
1. Abstract Review: Top abstracts will be shortlisted for an oral presentation.
2. Final Presentation: The final decision will be based on the oral presentations before a panel of judges.
E. Submission Instructions
Please submit your application form and abstract as a PDF to by 16 September 2024.