11th Medicine Review Course
5 - 6 October 2019
Centre for Healthcare Innovation (CHI) Auditorium, Level 4
18 Jalan Tan Tock Seng, Singapore 308443



The 11th Medicine Review Course held on 5 – 6 October 2019 at CHI Auditorium recorded an approximate attendance of 430 participants. The course featured a series of new topics that were requested by attendees of the previous run. 



Programme Highlights:

Antithrombotics in cardiology- an update!!
Managing lipids in coronary artery disease:
How low is LOW?

Biologics in dermatology - our current understanding

Therapeutic Options in Osteoporosis-Contoversies and Consensus
Lipid Lowering : What has changed with PCSK9 inhibitors?

Chronic viral hepatitis B and C – Is the END in sight ?

General Medicine
Hypertension Guidelines  : Moving the goalposts
Management of Perioperative Anticoagulation

Geriatric Medicine
Sarcopenia in the elderly: What every physician needs to know

Molecularly targeted therapy for blood cancers: New Frontiers
Direct oral anticoagulants- What you ought to know

Infectious Disease
Travel Immunisations - current reommendations

Medical Oncology
Mission (IM)possible - Curing Cancer with Immunotherapy

Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease: Impact on Management

Palliative Medicine
Every Breath You Take : Palliative Care in Advanced
Lung Disease

Rehabilitation Medicine
Neuromuscular ultrasound -“Sounding out” the muscles and nerves

Respiratory Medicine
How to manage COPD in 2019

Renal Medicine
NEW breakthrough therapeutics in kidney disease : SGLT2-I and V2 antagonist

Gout 2019: Urate lowering therapy & genetics
Biosimilars in inflammatory arthritis: To SWITCH or NOT?

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