
The Protem Committee was elected by a group of 15 Emergency Physicians meeting on 20 July 2006 at the Lee Kong Chian Room, Basement, Academy of Medicine, Singapore, 142 Neil Road, Singapore 088871.


Designation Name
Chairperson Prof V. Anantharaman
Vice Chairperson A/Prof Eillyne Seow
Secretary A/Prof Goh Siang Hiong
Members Dr Francis C Y Lee
  Dr Shirley Ooi Beng Suat
  Dr Evelyn Wong



Inaugural Executive Committee 2007-2008
At the Inaugural Annual General Meeting held on 13 November 2007, the Inaugural Executive Committee was duly-elected by 14 Emergency Physicians at the Tutorial Room, Department of Emergency Medicine, Block 1, Rooftop Level, Singapore General Hospital, Outram Road, Singapore 169608.



Standing (L-R)

Dr Mark Leong Kwok Fai, Dr Mohan Tiruchittampalam

Seated (L-R)

Clin A/Prof Shirley Ooi Beng Suat, Prof Venkataraman Anantharaman, Dr Goh Siang Hiong

Absent with apologies

A/Prof Eillyne Seow


Designation Name
Chairperson Prof V. Anantharaman
Vice Chairperson A/Prof Eillyne Seow
Secretary A/Prof Goh Siang Hiong
Members Dr Mark Leong Kwok Fai
  A/Prof Shirley Ooi Beng Suat
  Dr Mohan Tiruchittampalam



Interim Council 2014-2015
On 20 November 2014, the Chapter of Emergency Physicians was transformed to the College of Emergency Physicians under the Academy of Medicine, Singapore (AMS). The following Interim Council was formed.


Designation Name
President Prof V. Anantharaman
Vice President Clinical Prof Goh Siang Hiong
Secretary A/Prof Lim Swee Han
Treasurer Dr Lee Wee Yee
Members Dr Peng Li Lee
  A/Prof Eillyne Seow
  A/Prof Mohan Tiruchittampalam



College Council 2023-2024


Designation Name
President A/Prof Eillyne Seow
Vice President A/Prof Leong Kwok Fai, Mark
Secretary Dr Teo Han Jie
Treasurer Dr Kuan Win Sen
Members A/Prof Mohan Tiruchittampalam
  A/Prof Peng Li Lee
  A/Prof James Kwan
Co-opted Members Prof Goh Siang Hiong
  Dr Lynette Chung
  Dr Tan Hann Yee



College Council 2024-2025


Designation Name
President A/Prof Leong Kwok Fai, Mark
Immediate Past President A/Prof Eillyne Seow
Vice President A/Prof Peng Li Lee
Secretary Dr Teo Han Jie
Treasurer Dr Kuan Win Sen
Members A/Prof Ang Shiang-Hu
  Dr Cham Wai Ming, Gregory
  Dr Wee Choon Peng Jeremy
Co-opted Members Prof Goh Siang Hiong
  Dr Amila Punyadasa
  Dr Lynette Chung
  Dr Tan Hann Yee




Please click here to view the Past College Councils.

Please click here to view the Past Chapter Committees.



College Coat of Arms

The Crest has a central shield which upholds four perspectives that typify the Emergency Physician.


The Star of Life symbol has six points presenting Detection, Reporting, Response, On Scene Care, Care in Transit and Transfer to Definitive Care. The staff on the star represents Medicine and Healing.


The Tree of Knowledge signifies the need to nurture and grow the frontiers of knowledge, and use the knowledge wisely without misuse. The Scales represent balance and equality regardless of ethnicity, gender, religion or social status. The Atomic symbol reflects the need to explore the frontiers of Research in an environment of Academic Emergency Medicine.


The two young lions represent the hope for Singapore - both men and women to lead the push for better emergency care of patients and to lead the world in service, research and education.


The ribbon colours (Red with White lettering) reflect our national colours. Red symbolises universal brotherhood and equality. White symbolises pervading and everlasting purity and virtue.


The motto 'Saving Lives' is our core responsibility in the care of our patients.





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