Formed in 1957, the Academy of Medicine, Singapore, is a professional institution of medical and dental specialists devoted to advancing the art and science of medicine in Singapore through postgraduate specialist training; maintenance of high standards of competency and ethical integrity through continuous professional development as well as dissemination of information and knowledge to the public on matters related to health.
The vision of the Academy is to be the leading institution for postgraduate medical education in the region. From a pioneering group of 34 members in its early days, the Academy is now the largest specialists organisation of over 4,200 members in the following Colleges and Chapters:
College of Anaesthesiologists, Singapore
College of Dental Surgeons, Singapore
College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Singapore
College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Singapore
College of Physicians, Singapore
College of Radiologists, Singapore
College of Surgeons, Singapore
College of Emergency Physicians, Academy of Medicine, Singapore
College of Ophthalmologists, Academy of Medicine, Singapore
College of Psychiatrists, Academy of Medicine, Singapore
College of Public Health and Occupational Physicians, Academy of Medicine, Singapore
College of Clinician Educators, Academy of Medicine, Singapore
College of Clinician Scientists, Academy of Medicine, Singapore
Chapter of Pathologists, Academy of Medicine, Singapore
Chapter of Intensivists, Academy of Medicine, Singapore
Chapter of Family Medicine Physicians, Academy of Medicine, Singapore
Chapter of Pain Medicine Physicians, Academy of Medicine, Singapore
Chapter of Sleep Medicine Physicians, Academy of Medicine, Singapore
Chapter of Genomic Medicine, Academy of Medicine, Singapore
Fellow, Academy of Medicine, Singapore (FAMS) is a recognised postgraduate medical qualification in Singapore.
The Academy contributes to post-graduate medical education by offering various training programmes during the year.
1. Staff Registrar Scheme (SRS) Diploma Programmes
The Academy and its Colleges had developed 23 Staff Registrar Scheme Diploma programmes since 2007. The programmes, approved by the Singapore Medical Council (SMC), served as an avenue for the public/restructured healthcare institutions to retain temporarily registered (service) foreign trained doctors whose medical qualifications are not recognised by the SMC. The SRS programmes are also opened to local doctors, who do not wish to practice as general practitioners or specialists and prefer to work in the public/restructured healthcare institutions.
2. In-Training Examinations (ITEs)
In line with the graduate medical education requirement by the residency programmes in Singapore, the Academy has been appointed by the Ministry of Health (MOH) in July 2009 to administer all specialty‐specific In‐Training Examinations in consultation with MOH and Specialists Accreditation Board.
Currently, the Academy is administering 11 ITEs in Diagnostic Radiology, General Surgery, Family Medicine (assisting CFPS), Internal Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics, Otorhinolargyngology (ENT), Paediatrics, Pathology and Psychiatry. More ITEs will be rolled out for the Phase III Residency programmes starting in 2013.
The Academy also conducts regular continuing medical education and professional development (CPD) activities to provide quality lifelong learning programmes to the specialists fraternity. it is also responsible for recommending to SMC the accreditation of Continuing Medical Education programmes/events and the assessment and audit of CME providers/events for specialists' activities. (Please refer to Continuing Professional Development for more information)
The Academy provides professional opinions and recommendations to the MOH on:-
Clinical practice guidelines
Professional standards
Adoption and utilisation of new technologies
Development and practice of specialties and subspecialties
Provides verification of foreign visiting experts
The Academy has been receiving and coordinating Independent Medical Expert (IME) opinion requests for Coroner Cases from the Singapore Police Force since November 2004. The expert opinion is non-bias and free of conflict of interest, which assist in the investigations of the patient's demise.
The Academy also provides professional guidance to Non-Governmental Organizations and other statutory boards that seek its assistance.
The Academy regularly organises scientific conferences to enhance the clinical competencies of doctors, especially specialists in Singapore. It also organises and hosts the Singapore-Malaysia Congress of Medicine biennially. The Academy also provides professional conference organisation (PCO) for scientific meetings hosted by other healthcare bodies in Singapore.
The Annals is the official medical journal of the Academy. As an open-access journal, it is indexed with the US National Library of Medicine (Index Medicus), Science Citation Index - Expanded, ISI Alerting Services, and Current Contents/Clinical Medicine. It serves the various specialties that form the membership of the Academy, covering healthcare challenges, clinical management, medical education, emerging disease trends and scientific breakthroughs.
The journal’s 2022 Impact Factor is 5.2. It is ranked in the first quartile in the competitive category of Medicine (General and Internal) and second among medical journals in Asia.
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