The roles and responsibilities of the POC are to:
Provide professional opinions and recommendations (such as professional standards, adoption and utilisation of new technologies, development and practice of specialties and subspecialties) to MOH and other agencies (e.g. HSA, MOM, Singapore Police Force).
Produce Consensus Statements and Position Papers on topics and issues on request or when relevant (e.g. AMS website, newspaper forum).
Provide verification of visiting experts for request from the Singapore Medical Council (SMC).
Chairperson |
Dr Pwee Keng Ho |
Co-Chairperson |
A/Prof Eugene Shum |
Advisor |
Ex-Officio |
Master, Academy of Medicine, Singapore |
Assistant Master, Academic Affairs, Academy of Medicine, Singapore |
Dr Raymond Seet, Annals Editor, Academy of Medicine, Singapore |
Dr Benjamin Ng, Director, Office of Professional Affairs (OPA) |
The roles and responsibilities of the PGC are to:
Develop Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) on request from or in collaboration with MOH, and for the AMS.
Provide opinions and recommendations to MOH and other external stakeholders on practice guidelines.
Coordinate endorsement of practice guidelines developed by MOH and other external stakeholders.
Provide policies on practice guidelines development.
Prioritise practice guidelines development proposals.
Be a resource for Fellows who seek advice on issues relating to practice guidelines.
Assist committees/workgroups formed by AMS to develop practice guidelines.
Assist these committee/workgroups to plan, organize and develop practice guidelines.
Supervise and monitor development of practice guidelines.
Chair |
Dr Bertha Woon |
Co-Chair |
A/Prof Chew Min Hoe |
Members |
Dr Goh Yaw Chong, Chairperson, Faculty of Medical Experts Committee |
Dr Terence Kee, Co-Chairperson, Faculty of Medical Experts Committee |
Prof Kee Yi Shern, Terence, Representative, College of Physicians, Singapore |
A/Prof Seow Wan Tew, Representative, College of Surgeons, Singapore |
Dr Tan Yew Teck Tony, Representative, College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Singapore |
TBC, Representative, College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Singapore |
Ex-Officio |
Master, Academy of Medicine, Singapore |
Assistant Master, Academic Affairs, Academy of Medicine, Singapore |
Dean, Academy of Medicine, Singapore |
President, College of Clinician Educators |
Dr Benjamin Ng, Director, Office of Professional Affairs (OPA) |
The roles and responsibilities of the MEC are to:
Provide policies, opinions and recommendations on the development of the curriculum, training programmes and CME modules to equip medical and dental specialists with the knowledge and skills to provide competent medical expert opinions or assessments in medicolegal cases involving the Coroner’s Court, State Courts or SMC Disciplinary Tribunal.
Be a resource for Fellows who seek advice on issues relating to medical experts.
Assist committees/workgroups formed by AMS to develop the curriculum, training programmes and CME modules to equip medical and dental specialists with the knowledge and skills to provide competent medical expert opinions or assessments in medicolegal cases.
Assist these committee/workgroups to plan, organize and conduct these training programmes and CME modules.
Collaborate with other medical and non-medical organizations in developing and training medical experts.
Support the Faculty of Medical Experts in maintaining the knowledge and skills of the Faculty members through CME.
Supervise and monitor these training programmes and CME modules.
Collate and manage a database/registry of trainers under the Faculty of Medical Experts Trainers.
Manage the maintenance and continuing training for Faculty members.
Chairperson |
Dr Dennis Koh |
Co-Chairperson |
Dr Tony Tan |
Members |
Dr Tan Chieh Suai |
Dr Yeo Wee Song |
Representative, College of Physicians, Singapore |
Representative, College of Surgeons, Singapore |
Representative, College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Singapore |
Representative, College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Singapore |
Ex-Officio |
Master, Academy of Medicine, Singapore |
Assistant Master, Administrative Affairs, Academy of Medicine, Singapore |
Dr Benjamin Ng, Director, Office of Professional Affairs (OPA) |
The roles and responsibilities of the FMEC are to:
Collate and manage a database/registry of medical experts who are willing to be assigned by AMS to be medical experts, under the Faculty of Medical Experts (FME).
Manage the maintenance and continuing training for FME members.
Collaborate with the Colleges and Chapters/Sections to ensure each specialty and sub-specialty have an adequate pool of medical experts who have attended a recognised training programme.
Collaborate with other medical and non-medical organizations in developing and supporting medical experts.
Recommend appropriate Faculty members for request to provide competent medical expert opinions or assessments in medicolegal cases involving the Coroner’s Court, State Courts or SMC Disciplinary Tribunal, through the provision of medical expert reports, testimonies and evidence, or as an appointed medical assessor.