Professor Gordon Arthur Ransome (1910 – 1978) was the founding and first Master of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore. A legendary pioneer in medicine in Singapore, he practiced at the Singapore General Hospital for 33 years and mentored most of the senior physicians and surgeons of today.


Professor Gordon Arthur Ransome

(1910 - 1978)


As Professor of Medicine in the then University of Singapore, he laid the foundations of post-graduate medical training in the country.  He spent the best parts of his life in Singapore dedicated to patients and to the teaching of undergraduates and postgraduate doctors. In July 1957, he inaugurated a meeting of medical specialists in his own house with a view to the formation of an academic body.  His devotion to students of medicine and to patients aside, Professor Ransome also distinguished himself in public duties.  His contributions to society at large and to communities beyond our own shores earned him numerous honours.  He practiced medicine as close to the Hippocratic Oath as any doctor could hope to do.


In 1970, to honour his life and contributions to medicine in Singapore, his friends and colleagues created the Gordon Arthur Ransome Oration which has served as the keynote address at the biennial Singapore-Malaysia Congress of Medicine. 



List of Gordon Arthur Ransome Orators
Year Series Orator Title / Download
2024 26th Professor Kishore Mahbubani
Distinguished Fellow, Asia Research Institute,                National University of Singapore

Can Humanity Rise Up to Face its Next Existential Challenge?

[Full Transcript]


2022 25th Professor Joseph Sung
Dean, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Ethical, Legal and Social Perspectives
2020 24th Mr George Yeo
Former Cabinet Minister, Singapore
Human Solidarity in a Fragmenting World
2017 23rd Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon
Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Singapore
Law and Medicine: Professions of Honour, Service and Excellence
2015 22nd Professor James Best
Dean, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine
Is Medicine Still an Art?
2013 21st

Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam

Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Finance, Singapore

A Fair and Just Society: What Stays, What Changes?
2011 20th Dr York Chow
Secretary for Food and Health of Hong Kong
Bridges and Gaps in Healthcare
2009 19th Dr Tan Chorh Chuan
President, National University of Singapore and Professor of Medicine
Three I’s and the Future of Medicine
2007 18th Dr Chew Chin Hin
Honorary Postgraduate Advisor and Adjunct Professor, Division of Graduate Medical Studies, National University of Singapore and Emeritus Consultant, Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Some Milestones: Specialist Education, Training and Assessment in Singapore
2004 17th Sir Donald Irvine
Former President, GMC, UK
Chairman, The Picker Institute Europe, UK
Senior Associate, King’s Fund, UK
Patient-centred Professionalism
2002 16th Dr Lim Pin
Former Vice-Chancellor, National University of Singapore
Senior Consultant, Department of Medicine, National University Hospital
Navigating in the Sea of Science and Technology
2000 15th Dr James Petrie
President, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
A Journey of Care - Mission Impossible?
1998 14th Mrs Anson Chan
Chief Secretary for Administration Hong Kong
Continuity and Change
1996 13th Yab Dato Seri Dr Mahathir Bin Mohamad
The Prime Minister of Malaysia
Whether Training in Medicine Makes a Better Politician
1994 12th Professor Leslie A Turnberg
President, Royal College of Physicians
Practising Medicine with Limited Resources -- "The Doctor's Dilemma"
1992 11th Sir Selman Cowen
Provost, Oriel College, Oxford Former Governor--General of the Commonwealth of Australia
Ethical and Legal Issues Arising from New Frontiers in Medicine
1990 10th Sir Michael Pike
British High Commissioner, British High Commission
From Spitfire Summer to Europe Reborn -- 1940 -1990
1988 9th Professor Tommy Koh
Singapore’s Ambassador to United States of America
Some Medico-Legal Aspects of Aids
1986 8th Mr David Marshall
Singapore Ambassador to France, Spain and Portugal
Physicians and Human Values
1984 7th Mr Tan Boon Teik
Singapore's Attorney General
Human Rights and Economic Development
1982 6th Professor Wong Hock Boon
Director, School of Postgraduate Medical Studies and Chairman, Department of Paediatrics, National University of Singapore
The Y Chromosome: Its Functions and Impact on Modern Society
1979 5th Mr S Rajaratnam
Minister for Foreign Affairs, Republic of Singapore
The 5th Gordon Arthur Ransome Oration
1977 4th Dr Kwan Sai Kheong
Vice-Chancellor, University of Singapore
The Search for Identity
1975 3rd Dr Khoo Oon Teik
University Department of Medicine, Head, Medical Unit II, Singapore General Hospital
The Making of a Doctor
1973 2nd Dr Goh Keng Swee
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence, Republic of Singapore
Some Problems of Manpower Development in Singapore
1971 1st Dr Seah Cheng Siang
Senior Physician, Medical Unit III, Singapore General Hospital
The Life and Times of Gordon Arthur Ransome




Links to more information on Sir Gordon Arthur Ransome


A noble doctor, a teacher and a gentleman I knew

by Peter P. B. Yeo


Emeritus Professor Sir Datuk Gordon Arthur Ransome (1910 – 1978) – The Man I Knew

by Cheah Jin Seng


Farewell Speech – Retirement Dinner (2nd July 1975)

by Chew Chin Hin


Gordon Arthur Ransome – An Appreciation

by Andrew Chew


Sir Gordon Arthur Ransome (1910-1978) – His Teaching Style and His Legacy

by Ng Beng Yeong & Cheah Jin Seng


Sir Gordon Arthur Ransome – A Profile of the Man

by Seah Cheng Siang


Sir Gordon Arthur Ransome – Teacher, Colleague and Friend

by Khoo Oon Teik


The Gordon Arthur Ransome Commemorative Issue

by Chan Heng Leong


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