Academy of Medicine, Singapore Travel Assistance

Callling for Applications!


Fellows (Local) of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore may apply for travel assistance from the Common Fund for Advancement of Medicine. Applicants must be Fellows with the Academy for at least 3 years and be current with their subscription.


For more information and application form, please click here




College of Public Health and Occupational Physicians Travel Assistance Fund

The travel assistance fund is set up for the purpose of sponsoring members of the College of Public Health & Occupational Physicians, Singapore to attend overseas conferences and meetings to:


  1. develop ties and collaboration with public health and occupation physicians chapters/colleges in other countries; and
  2. promote the College’s Public Health and Occupational Medicine conference.

Only Local Fellows of the College of Public Health & Occupational Physicians, Singapore are eligible. Applicants should settle any subscription fees in arrears and unpaid monies due to the Academy before application can be considered.


Please read guidelines on eligibility to submit an application. For Fellows who wish to submit an application, please contact us for the application form.


Click on the link - Application for Travel Assistance Fund


College of Surgeons, Singapore Travelling Fellowship

The College of Surgeons, Singapore Travelling Fellowship was initiated in 1997 by Dr V K Pillay, a Past Master, the Fellowship is to enable surgeons of the College to visit and participate in teaching programs, attend conferences/seminars/workshops/meetings/events overseas to have a better understanding of the surgical problems in the developing world and also, to gain knowledge on the development/advancement of the surgical specialties. This Fund can also be used for doing of any clinical research in collaboration with medical institutions/colleges in other countries.


Only Fellows of the College of Surgeons, Singapore are eligible. The application should be made to the College of Surgeons, Singapore, stating the purpose for the Fellowship.


Click here: Application for CSS Travelling Fellowship Fund

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