The Seah Cheng Siang Memorial Research Fund was established in 1990 by the Academy of Medicine, Singapore, to perpetuate the memory of a distinguished Academician and Past Master, Professor Seah Cheng Siang.
Every year, the Fund shall award a grant to the most outstanding clinical or basic research in any important area of medical and dental sciences in collaboration with a research centre either within or outside Singapore.
One (1) grant will be awarded per year and the value of each award will be capped at S$20,000. There is no indirect cost accompanying this award. The decision of the Council of Academy of Medicine, Singapore shall be final.
The Seah Cheng Siang Memorial Research Award is open to all Members and Fellows of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore (i.e. Ordinary Member, Associate Member and Fellows of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore).
Applicants must be Fellow/Member of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore in good standing.
Applicants should have a mentor who is a Fellow of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore and a Clinician Scientist as defined by the College of Clinician Scientists of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore in good standing.
Applicants will be required:
To have shown potential or ability for research; and
To have made suitable arrangements with a research centre where the proposed research work is to be conducted
Applications should include in his/her application:
A curriculum vitae, including the names and addresses of two (2) referees;
A description of the proposed research on the provided template
Cardiovascular diseases
Diabetes mellitus and other metabolic/endocrine disorders
Infectious diseases
Neurological and sense disorders
Duration of the research no more than eighteen (18) months from the date of the award and the costs involved, together with details of any financial assistance provided by other sources;
An undertaking that a detailed report will be submitted to the Academy of Medicine, Singapore within three (3) months following the completion of the research;
Due acknowledgement to the Academy and the grant in published work related to the research, publication in Annals, Academy of Medicine, Singapore.
Priority will be given to young investigators who have yet to secure substantial research funding.
The following are the recipients of the Seah Cheng Siang Memorial Research Award:
Dr Mervyn Lim (2023)
Dr Huang Zhongwei (2021)
Dr Maria Noviani (2020)
About Professor Seah Cheng Siang
Professor Seah Cheng Siang
(9 March 1922 - 25 June 1990)
Professor Seah Cheng Siang was one of the most illustrious physicians of his era. He was the eighth Master of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore from 1970-1973 and had served on the Academy’s Council for over a decade.
He received numerous awards and national honours for his generous contributions and sacrifices, in particularly for the teaching of postgraduate and undergraduate medicine in Singapore. Although well-known for his passion in Clinical Medicine and Gastroenterology, he was also very active in research and publications.
Professor Seah was a pupil of Sir Gordon Ransome, the first and founder Master of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore, widely regarded as the founder of modern medicine in Singapore. Professor Seah had nurtured several generations of doctors over three decades and many are now holding high positions both in Academic medicine and Public Service.
Please click here to read about the ‘Life and Times of Professor Seah Cheng Siang’.
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Call for Application
5 July 2024
Application Deadline
27 November 2024 [Extended]
For more information, please contact:
DID: 6593 7804