Published 23 June 2018

Title: Benefits of Mammogram Screening Outweigh Its Disadvantages

We refer to Ms Lilian Thia's letter (Relook benefits, harm of mammogram screening; June 15).
Mammography is not perfect, but it remains the most effective tool for population-based screening. Its benefits are supported by evidence from large-scale trials showing about 30 per cent reduction in mortality rate. With early detection, breast cancer therapy is also less radical, toxic and costly.
Submission by
  • College of Radiologists, Singapore
  • Singapore Radiological Society
  • Singapore Society of Oncology
  • Chapter of Pathologists
To view the article, click on the following links below.
Available links



Published 2 November 2016

Title: Benefits of mammogram screening outweigh drawbacks.

We agree with Dr Yik Keng Yeong's call to improve breast cancer screening ("Improve breast cancer screening to reduce unnecessary treatment"; Oct 19). However, we wish to clarify some of the doubts he raised on the usefulness of mammogram screening.
Submission by
  • Chapter of Diagnostic Radiologists, College of Radiologists, Singapore
  • Chapter of General Surgeons, College of Surgeons, Singapore
  • Chapter of Pathologists, Academy of Medicine, Singapore
To view the article, click on the following links below.
Available links



Published 16 May 2013

Title: Traditional Cataract Surgery remains ‘gold standard’.

The College of Ophthalmologists wishes to address certain points in last Thursday's article ("New cataract surgery cuts blindness risk").
Submission by
  • College of Ophthalmologists
To view the article, click on the following links below.
Available links



Published 31 August 2012

Title: Dental Surgeons Back Water Fluoridation Policy

We support the Ministry of Health’s reply which confirms the safety and costeffective measure of adding fluoride in low amounts to drinking water.
Submission by
  • College of Dental Surgeons, Singapore
To view the article, click on the following links below.
Available links


Published 10 July 2012

Title: Effective MMR Vaccination in Singapore

We refer to Andy Ho's commentary (‘MMR vaccine: Shot in the dark?’; 5 July 2012) which suggested the need to give a third dose of the MMR (mumps, measles and rubella) vaccine in order to prevent outbreaks of mumps infection in Singapore.
Submission by
  • Chapter of Infectious Diseases Physicians, College of Physicians, Singapore
  • College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Singapore
To view the article, click on the following links below.
Available links



Published 28 June 2012

Title: Benefits of Screening Mammography

In Singapore, the participation rate for screening is low. Of approximately 1,500 invasive breast cancers diagnosed annually, perhaps 15 per cent to 20 per cent of cases are detected by screening.
Submission by
  • Academy of Medicine, Singapore’s Workgroup on Mammography
To view the article, click on the following links below.
Available links








10 February 2011: A committee tasked to draw up a framework for health screening tests in Singapore has recommended that the adult population be screened for obesity, hypertension, cholesterol, diabetes and colorectal cancer.


The Academy of Medicine, Singapore (AMS) said the framework is the first evidence-based best practice guidelines on screening tests here. >>



12 February 2011: Colorectal cancer is the number one cancer for men and women here, and a panel of specialists is now calling for it to be screened on a national level.


The specialists, who are members of the Academy of Medicine Singapore, say that the method of screening should be colonoscopy, which costs about $1,500 without medical subsidy. >>





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