The curriculum has been revisited to make the programme even stronger, more up-to-date and in keeping with current challenges in the field of HPE. You may watch the introduction video to the new MHPE curriculum here. For more information on the programme structure and academic calendar 2023 – 2024, click here. The programme will start on 26 June 2023.
Specific distinctive features of the new MHPE programme
A personal and personalised learning experience guided by a coach.
Elective learning tasks focus on three roles:
o Educational designers;
o Education leaders; and
o Researchers in health profession education.
The emphasis is on self-regulated learning, on how to develop your competencies using formative feedback:
o Student-centered learning;
o Authentic learning tasks; and
o Programmatic assessment
The Eight Competencies & 3 Roles
Flexibility and tailor-made approach; blended and part-time learning alongside your job.
Flexibility in terms of content: you can choose certain electives in the curriculum and apply your local context to the assignments. More than half of the programme consists of elective learning tasks that you can choose from with the help of your coach.
Flexibility in terms of time: you can spread the workload over the year as it suits you. You also have the opportunity to complete the programme in less than two years or to complete it later (for a small delay fee).
Internationalisation as the leading principle.
The programme has a strong international and interprofessional character. Through its intercultural approach you will learn how to navigate diversity, a core competency of the programme. Learn with and from each other and become part of the MHPE community.
The MHPE collaborates with SHE Master’s programmes run in Canada, New York and Singapore and is therefore continuously exchanging best practices and staff expertise.
The programme requires 20 hours of Study-Time per week, in addition to course attendance at the Resident Campus 1 and 2.
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