11 May 2021
By the closing deadline on 10 May 2021 at 2359 hours, a total of 945 eBallot votes were received, out of 2,550 eBallots issued to eligible voters.
The summary of the results is as follows:
Pursuant to Article 66(d) of the Academy’s Constitution, the candidates up to the number of vacancies who shall receive the most votes shall be declared elected.
We are pleased to declare the following candidates duly elected into the Council of the Academy (2021-2023):
1. Dr Ho Kok Sun
2. Dr Lee Tze Wee
3. Dr Lim Lay Cheng
4. Dr Ng Chin Yuen, Steven
5. Dr Ng Wei Keong, Alan
6. Dr Wong Tien Yin
On behalf of the Academy, we would like to thank all eight (8) candidates for volunteering to serve. Please also join us to congratulate the candidates on their election to the Council.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely
Dr Vernon Lee
Academy of Medicine, Singapore