This page aims to provide articles, insights, resources, related resource sites, news articles on issues pertaining to COVID-19. New resources and content will be updated regularly.
Please feel free to share the resources with your healthcare professionals and medical researchers.


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Literature Articles for Healthcare Professionals
Dated PDF Article Title Type Developed by
29 August 2022 Interim Treatment Guidelines for COVID-19  *published June 2020, updated 14th Jun 2021, 29 August 2022* Joint Statement National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) &
Chapter of Infectious Disease Physicians,
College of Physicians, Singapore
22 November 2021 COVID-19 Vaccination for People with Rheumatic Diseases – Recommendations for Enhanced Primary Series (Third Dose)  *new* Consensus Statement Chapter of Rheumatologists
College of Physicians, Singapore
15 September 2021 COVID-19 Vaccination for Individuals with Allergic or Hypersensitivity Disorder  *new* Consensus Statement Section of Clinical Immunologists and Allergists
College of Physicians, Singapore
1 July 2021 COVID-19 Vaccination for Frail Older Adults    Consensus Statement Chapter of Geriatricians
College of Physicians, Singapore
28 June 2021 COVID-19 Vaccination for Children and Adolescents from 12 years old and above    Consensus Statement College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Singapore
28 June 2021 Expansion of Eligibility for COVID-19 Vaccination for People living with HIV in Singapore    Consensus Statement Chapter of Infectious Disease Physicians
College of Physicians, Singapore
27 May 2021 COVID-19 Vaccination for Patients with Neurological Diseases in Singapore    Consensus Statement Chapter of Neurologists
College of Physicians, Singapore
14 June 2021 Joint Statement on Possible Association between COVID-19 Vaccination and Myocarditis/Pericarditis  Joint Statement Chapter of Cardiologists
College of Physicians, Singapore &
Singapore Cardiac Society
June 2021 COVID-19 Vaccination Effect on Mental Health in Adolescents Aged 12 to 15 Years Old    Consensus Statement Section of Child & Adolescent Psychiatrists,
College of Psychiatrists
June 2021
Guidelines on COVID-19 Vaccination in Pregnant Women, Breastfeeding Women and Women Planning to Conceive   
  1. Guidelines
  2. Advisory
Management Guidelines College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, Singapore and
Obstetrics & Gynaecology Society Singapore
June 2021 Interim COVID-19 Clinical Management Guidelines   
  1. Full Document
  2. Summary Document
Management Guidelines COVID-19 Clinical Management Committee (CCMC),
Ministry of Health, Singapore
May 2021 COVID-19 Vaccination for Patients with Solid Tumor    Consensus Statement Chapter of Medical Oncologists
College of Physicians, Singapore
May 2021 COVID-19 Vaccination for Patients with Haematological Cancers    Consensus Statement Chapter of Haematologists
College of Physicians, Singapore
March 2021 COVID-19 Vaccination on Benign Haematological Conditions    Consensus Statement Chapter of Haematologists
College of Physicians, Singapore
March 2021 COVID-19 Vaccination for Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases    Consensus Statement Chapter of Cardiologists
College of Physicians, Singapore
March 2021 COVID-19 Vaccination for People with Rheumatic Disease    Consensus Statement Chapter of Rheumatologists
College of Physicians, Singapore
March 2021 COVID-19 Vaccination for Cancer Patients    Consensus Statement Chapter of Medical Oncologists
College of Physicians, Singapore
September 2020
Resumption of Services after COVID-19 Circuit Breaker Period    Guidelines Chapter of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgeons,
College of Surgeons, Singapore
June 2020 FAQs from COVID-19 Webinar - The Singapore Experience (Part II)     FAQs Ministry of Health Singapore
June 2020 FAQs from COVID-19 Webinar - The Singapore Experience (Part II)    FAQs Chapter of Infectious Disease Physicians
College of Physicians, Singapore
May 2020 Pain Procedures During Covid-19 Pandemic   Consensus Statement Chapter of Pain Medicine Physicians
May 2020 Remote Reporting Guidelines for Home/Offsite Reporting Using a Virtual Desktop Connection during COVID-19 Pandemic    Guidelines College of Radiologists, Singapore
May 2020 Period of Infectivity to Inform Strategies for De-Isolation for COVID-19 Patients  Joint Statement National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) &
Chapter of Infectious Disease Physicians,
College of Physicians, Singapore
April 2020 Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients in Singapore During COVID-19 Pandemic   Consensus Statement Chapter of Gastroenterologists,
College of Physicians, Singapore
April 2020 Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients in Singapore During COVID-19 Pandemic (Malay Version)   FAQs Chapter of Gastroenterologists,
College of Physicians, Singapore
April 2020 Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients in Singapore During COVID-19 Pandemic (Chinese Version)   FAQs Chapter of Gastroenterologists,
College of Physicians, Singapore
April 2020 Risk Mitigation for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy During COVID-19 Pandemic in Singapore    Professional Guidance Chapter of Gastroenterologists
College of Physicians, Singapore
April 2020 Summary of Key Actions in Response to COVID-19 by College of Ophthalmologists    Summary College of Ophthalmologists
April 2020 Management of Patients with Liver Disease in Singapore during the COVID-19 Pandemic    Professional Guidance Chapter of Gastroenterologists
College of Physicians, Singapore
April 2020 CPD Bulletin: Infectious Disease and COVID-19 Articles    CPD Bulletin Chapter of Infectious Disease Physicians
College of Physicians, Singapore
April 2020 CSS Statement on Surgical Response During COVID-19 Pandemic    Consensus Statement College of Surgeons, Singapore
April 2020 Management of Pregnancy and Birth in Women with COVID-19    Consensus Statement College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Singapore


Advisories for Patients & Public
Dated Article Title PDF
December 2020 FAQs - Pregnancy & COVID-19 *new*
The ‘Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Pregnancy & COVID-19’ is part of the efforts to support Singaporeans in their parenthood plans during the COVID-19 period. The FAQs help to address the concerns by couples and reassure them that they can still have a safe pregnancy and delivery during this period.
April 2020 Patient Advisory - Guidance on COVID-19 for Rheumatology Patients 
In view of the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore and around the world, the Chapter of Rheumatologists, College of Physicians, Singapore, has issued a guidance, to keep patients with autoimmune diseases on immunosuppressive medications safe.
April 2020 Patient Advisory - Guidance on COVID-19 for Rheumatology Patients (Malay Version) 
April 2020 Patient Advisory - Guidance on COVID-19 for Rheumatology Patients (Chinese Version) 



Developed by Colleges and Chapters within AMS & External Organizations.







AMS Footprint in the Media.

Article 1 [Straits Times]
Published 3 December 2020

Title: How can Covid-19 affect pregnancy and childbirth?

SINGAPORE - Unsure about having babies because of Covid-19 or concerned about its effect on pregnancy?
A guide to safe pregnancy and delivery during the pandemic was launched on Thursday (Dec 3) by the Academy of Medicine Singapore, College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Singapore, as well as the Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society of Singapore.


Article 2 [Mothership]
Published 3 December 2020

Title: Should couples try for a baby during Covid-19? Can Covid-19 be passed from mother to baby during birth? We ask an OBGYN.

The year of 2020 — of living through a global pandemic — has been a stressful and difficult time for many.
And, unfortunately, the difficult times don’t seem to be letting up anytime soon, and the future continues to be unpredictable.
Two groups of people who may be feeling worried about their future decision-making with regard to the risk of Covid-19 are expectant parents and people who are thinking about conceiving.
Can contracting Covid-19 be harmful to a mother and baby?


Article 3 [Channel News Asia]
Published 10 August 2020

Title: On the lookout for white 'shadows': How Tan Tock Seng Hospital uses X-rays in the fight against COVID-19

SINGAPORE: When he studies the chest x-ray of a suspected COVID-19 patient, Dr Terrence Hui is looking for a number of telltale signs, one of which is the presence of white "shadows”.
These white "shadows” are opacities in the lungs, which point to lower respiratory tract infection. This infection could mean the patient has COVID-19.


Article 4 [Today Online]
Published 6 May 2020

Title: Blood-pressure drugs have neutral impact on Covid-19 patients and should continue to be taken as prescribed

We refer to the Reuters report, “Blood-pressure drugs are in the crosshairs of Covid-19 research” (April 23).
Angiotensin converting enzyme (Ace) inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) are classes of medication that are highly effective and are commonly used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure. These classes of medication are known to have a long-term protective effect on the heart and kidneys, especially in diabetic patients. Read more at


Article 5 [Straits Times]
Published 16 February 2020

Title: Coronavirus: MOH team races against time to trace links and stop spread.

The highs and lows in life today for Dr Vernon Lee, 42, are tied closely to whether his team is able to find the source of coronavirus infection in patients who caught the disease locally. Dr Vernon Lee finds it most rewarding at this time when his team's contact tracing prevents further spread of the coronavirus. He adds that encouraging messages from friends also give him strength. ST PHOTO: JASON QUAH


Article 6 [Channel News Asia Insider]
Published 15 February 2020

Title: How wide the spread of COVID-19 might actually be.


SINGAPORE: For every person with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), it seems that at least three or four others are going to be infected too. That is how contagious the new coronavirus is, and that is a “very conservative” estimate, said Dr Asok Kurup, chairman of the Chapter of Infectious Disease Physicians, Academy of Medicine, Singapore. “The numbers are likely to be much more exponential.


Article 7 [Straits Times]
Published 5 February 2020

Title: Coronavirus and Sars: How China and S'pore have improved in disease management

While information flow and response capabilities are better now than during Sars in 2003, the evidence so far shows that the coronavirus originating from Wuhan is a formidable foe. Things will get worse before getting better.




Webinars conducted by Colleges & Chapters under AMS.

Webinar [Obstetrics & Gynaecology]
Aired Live On 6 May 2020, Saturday, 6PM - 7PM SGT

Title: Management of Pregnancy and Birth in Women with Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)  

Watch Recorded Webinar Here | View Publicity Flyer
Organized By

College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Singapore

Thank you for participating in this webinar.


Webinar [Diagnostic Radiology]
Aired Live On 2 May 2020, Saturday, 3PM - 5PM SGT

Title: Rising to the Challenges of COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia: Role of Ultrasound Diagnostic Imaging in COVID-19 Crisis for A&E and ICU

Watch Recorded Webinar Here | View Publicity Flyer
Organized By

College of Radiologists, Singapore

Thank you for participating in this webinar!


Webinar [Infectious Diseases, Public Health]
Aired Live On 1 May 2020, 2PM SGT

Title: [RE-TELECAST] COVID-19: The Singapore Experience (Part II)

Registration closed | View Publicity Flyer
Organized By

Chapter of Infectious Diseases Physicians, College of Physicians, Singapore

Thank you for participating in this webinar!


Webinar [Ophthalmology]
Aired Live On 29 April 2020, Wednesday, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM SGT

Title: COVID-19: Perspectives in Ophthalmology

Watch Recorded Webinar Here | View Publicity Flyer
Organized By

College of Ophthalmologists

Thank you for participating in this webinar.


Webinar [Multi-Specialties]
Airing Live On [Postponed] TBC April 2020, 5:30PM SGT

Title: Interactive Dialogue Session with Director of Medical Services, MOH

 View Publicity Flyer
Organized By

Academy of Medicine, Singapore

 Keep a look out via your emails for Fellows & Members of AMS for the live webinar link.


Webinar [Infectious Diseases, Public Health]
Aired Live On 25 April 2020, 2PM SGT

Title: COVID-19: The Singapore Experience (Part II)

Registration Closed | View Publicity Flyer
Organized By

Chapter of Infectious Diseases Physicians, College of Physicians, Singapore

Thank you for participating in this webinar!


Webinar [Diagnostic Imaging]
Aired Live On 18 April 2020, Saturday, 3PM SGT

Title: Rising to the Challenges of COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia: Role of Diagnostic Imaging in COVID-19 Crisis

Watch Recorded Webinar on Youtube | View Publicity Flyer
Organized By

College of Radiologists, Singapore

Registration is now closed. Thank you for your interest.


Webinar  [Clinical Education]
Airing Live On 16 April 2020, 6PM SGT

Title: Technology Enabled / Enhanced Learning In Medicine (TELMED) Symposium

Registration Closed | View Publicity Flyer
Organized By

College of Clinician Educators

 Registration is now closed. Thank you for your interest.


Webinar  [Radiation Oncology]
Aired Live On 15 April 2020, 7PM SGT

Title: Radiation Oncology Perspective on COVID-19

View Publicity PosterWatch Recorded Webinar on Youtube
Organized By

Chapter of Radiation Oncologists
College of Radiologists, Singapore

 Registration is now closed. Thank you for your interest.


Webinar  [Diagnostic Radiology]
Aired Live On 8 April 2020

Title: Diagnostic Radiology & COVID-19

Watch Recorded Webinar on Youtube  
Organized By

Chapter of Diagnostic Radiologists
College of Radiologists, Singapore

Watch the recorded webinar on Youtube here.


Webinar  [Interventional Radiology]
Aired Live On 21 March 2020

Title: "Is your Interventional Radiology Service Ready for COVID-19?"

Watch Recorded Webinar on Youtube
Organized By

Chapter of Interventional Radiologists
College of Radiologists, Singapore

 Watch the recorded webinar on Youtube.


Webinar  [Infectious Diseases]
Aired Live On: 29 February 2020

Title: COVID-19 - The Singapore Experience

View Publicity Poster
Organized By

Chapter of Infectious Diseases Physicians
College of Physicians, Singapore

 Login to the MMS Member's Portal to access the recorded Webinar



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