16 Dec 2024



Dear Fellows and Members of the Academy


We are pleased to announce the release of the Mandatory Medical Ethics (MME) CME modules 4 & 5 which are now available on the AMS Learning portal!


[ https://lms.wizlearn.com/ams ]


  1. All five (5) online self-learning modules (CAT 3B) have been published on our Calendar of CME/CPD Events Page as well as in the AMS Learning to facilitate you in attaining your Medical Ethics core points.

a.     Module 1: Autonomy

b.     Module 2: Beneficence and non-maleficence 

c.     Module 3: Justice  

d.    Module 4: Consent

e.     Module 5: The 4-Box Approach


  1. As part of your members’ privilege, Fellows & members in good standing will automatically be able to attempt all five (5) of the Academy’s MME CME modules at no additional cost via your dashboard.

  2. For every successful completion of a module, one MME core CME point will be awarded. Please ensure that you are within the PC renewal cycle before attempting the modules as if you complete any MME activities before your PC renewal expires, you will not be given any points. You may refer to the SMC’s CME requirements here for more details.  



For Reference

  • As announced by the Singapore Medical Council (SMC) circular on 11 May 2023, from 2026 onwards, all doctors must acquire 5 Mandatory Medical Ethics (MME) CME core points before they can renew their Practising Certificate (PCs). Registered doctors have been advised to start accumulating core points for MME CME from 1 January 2024 (for PCs that ended on 31 December 2023). For doctors whose PCs end on 31 December 2024, they can submit from 1 January 2025.

  • For doctors who renew their PCs two yearly, 5 Mandatory Medical Ethics (MME) CME core points are required and for those who renew their PCs for only one year, 3 medical ethics core points are required to be submitted. Please check with SMC accordingly on your respective PC renewal requirements and qualifying period.  


Thank you and we wish you an enjoyable learning experience.





Academy of Medicine, Singapore


For any queries, please reach out to amslearning.